Township Sarawak , Ontario, Canada
According to Wikipedia, James Brooke was an ensign in the Bengal Army of the British East India Company in India and saw action in Assam during the First Anglo-Burmese war until seriously wounded in 1825; He was 22 then (born 29 April 1803).

Of the naming of the town after a battlefield in India, I think it was a mistake made by the writer of the day who chronicled the town history, out of ignorance.

The James Brooke of Sarawak was made a Rajah(of Sarawak) on 24 September 1841 (official declaration on 18 August 1842). He was made a Knight Commander of the Order of the Bath in 1847.

I think therefore, Lord Bury renamed that area in Canada in 1857 to Sarawak in honour of his friend who was the (white) Rajah of Sarawak by then, not because of a battlefield in India.

There is a town in Canada that is called Kepple also I read. There's a road in Singapore that is called Kepple Road and a giant company called Kepple in Singapore, involved in shipping and shipbuilding I think. And what about Cape Croker in Canada! We have Crocker Range in Sabah, formerly known as North Borneo in the Island of Borneo, the third largest island in the world. And Indians and natives of Sarawak; So much similarities. So dear Canadian towsfolk of Sarawak, visit Sarawak and find out your town's namesake.

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